PUA Rider Explained

PUA Rider Explained

The Paid-Up Additions (PUA) Rider is a powerful tool in maximizing the growth of your policy's cash value. With each premium payment, you can allocate a portion toward purchasing additional insurance that immediately increases both the death benefit and the cash value. This allows for faster accumulation of wealth within your policy.

Cost of Insurance (30%)
Cash Value Growth (50%)
Paid-Up Additions (PUA) (20%)
Cost of Insurance
Cash Value Growth
Paid-Up Additions Rider

How PUA Works:

  1. Step 1: You pay your premium.
  2. Step 2: A portion of the premium goes to the cost of insurance.
  3. Step 3: The remaining portion is allocated to purchase Paid-Up Additions (PUA).
  4. Step 4: These additional premiums immediately increase your cash value and death benefit.
  5. Step 5: Your policy accumulates more wealth over time due to the compounding effect of the PUA contributions.


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  • Limited $YOB AirDrop Supply 
  • New Insurance Policy Not Required
